Presentation on OhMyJob Ghent.

OHMYJOB! Get your career off to a smart start

We recently held the first of our inspiration nights for students.

The first edition of our inspiration evening for students is over. Aperitifs, interesting talks: the essentials were there. But it was the speakers who took the evening to the next level. Both the students and our team of Talent Acquisition Specialists learned a lot.

Sharing knowledge is key

The labour market is constantly changing, and it’s changing faster than ever at a time when new technologies, such as AI and social media, are always available. That’s why companies and young people are full of questions: How will ChatGPT affect my dream job? What does a career look like today, or which jobs can I pursue with my degree? There’s only one answer to all these questions, and that’s to talk to each other!

Starting your career is the first step

Three talks were on the agenda. Hanne Duys, Head of People and Culture at Dignify, kicked things off with the question that’s been on every graduating student’s mind for generations: How do I start a career that suits me? She used her personal experience to show the students that it’s okay to follow your heart, and to take a different path after a few years of on-the-job learning. With useful tools, she showed the students that everyone has different skills and offered tips on how you can uncover your own talents. You don’t have to be an all-rounder; your own values and priorities will help you determine where you best belong.

Stay true to your own standards and values

Caroline Vanwanseele, HR Director at Lantis, was up next. She added an extra layer to Hanne’s discussion by raising the question: How do I find a job that gives me satisfaction? Contrary to what we often see, a career isn’t a straight line: it’s a road with lots of twists and turns. Drawing on her own career, she demonstrated that while sometimes it can be challenging or even difficult, that doesn’t always mean you have to give up. Most challenges are an opportunity to learn, gain experience and perhaps take the next step with more confidence.

Technology is accelerating the world

Kevin De Pauw, CEO and founder of, talked about AI and its impact on the careers of the future. It can no longer be ignored, and everyone’s talking about AI and ChatGPT. State-of-the-art technology has an impact on how we will work going forwards, and even on how companies recruit employees. Kevin gave the students an insight into how companies are already thinking about this and what risks are being taken into account. AI is only as perfect as the people who train the system, and human bias or error always creeps in. Work ethic is an important factor and as long as we can be flexible, technology can work together with us.

An informative evening full of fun

We received some great feedback from the students in attendance as well as the keynote speakers.

“Great conversations with lovely people, and interesting topics that will prove very useful to me as a student.”

After all, that was the aim of the evening!

“The location was fantastic and the food was excellent!”

We look forward to organising this event again in the future, so keep a close eye on our social media channels!

Knowledge sharing is key for usLearning for life

We want to ask questions, and answer them

At Pauwels Consulting, we place a high value on sharing knowledge.
We do this well within the organisation, and launch a whole programme of digital workshops and live, day-long training courses through the Pauwels Academy every six months.
But students looking for their first job are also entitled to genuine information and a chance to ask their questions.
Work and the idea of a career may seem a long way off for beginners, but in the end we are – and remain – people who work together. At Pauwels Consulting, we’re one big family and we value everyone’s individuality.
Students on OhMyJob Ghent smiling.
Colleagues walking outside in Antwerp.

Looking for your first job?

Your first job in a fun environment where you are valued?